GENTLE Gum Contouring for a Confident Smile

GENTLE Gum Contouring

Gum Contouring

GENTLE Gum Contouring

Gum contouring (Also known as Crown Lengthening) is a procedure that enhances the symmetry and beauty of the gum line exposed when smiling and which also aids in preventing gum disease.

If the shape and lines of the gums are asymmetrical, or the gums are dark due to melanin pigment deposition, gum contouring can restore them to their natural bright color

Gangnam Gentle

With our extensive experience and expertise in cosmetic dentistry, we consistently deliver satisfying results

Head Doctor Dr. Sungho Kim 2022 Miss Korea Global Judge

Gum Contouring

When do I need GENTLE Gum Contouring

  • When too much gum shows when smiling
  • If your gums are swollen
  • If the gum shape looks asymmetrical
  • If the teeth are covered too much, making them look short
  • If your gums appear inflamed or swollen due to orthodontic treatment or gum disease

Gum Contouring Treatment


The treatment is completed in one 30 minute sitting


Benefit from less pain and bleeding with laser treatment


There are very few side effects, such as bleeding during the procedure, and recovery time is fast


No swelling or cold symptoms, meaning a quicker return to daily life!

GENTLE Cosmetic Care Procedures

GENTLE Cosmetic Care Procedures


Precautions After Veneers

01. Foods that are too cold or too hot should be avoided

02. Using a mouthwash that contains alcohol will prevent the adhesive from setting

03. Avoid irritating foods, unnaturally-colored foods, and hard and sticky foods

04. Reduce habits such as teeth grinding or tooth clenching as they can cause fractures

05. Tooth decay and gum disease cause side effects in aesthetic treatments, so it is vital to maintain good oral hygiene and regular checkups after aesthetic treatment