Don’t Overlook Even the Slightest Pain

GENTLE Neurotherapy

Root Canal Treatment

GENTLE Root Canal Treatment to Preserve Natural Teeth Longevity

Root canal treatment involves the removal of damaged nerve tissue, leading to severe discomfort, or when the neurovascular tissue is exposed or inflamed. We then fill the area with a replacement filling.

The purpose of a root canal treatment is to preserve natural teeth longevity, so that pain or other symptoms can be eliminated and the teeth can function unhindered

Root Canal Treatment

When is GENTLE Root Canal needed?

  • If tooth decay is accompanied by severe pain
  • When a tooth is broken or cracked by an external impact
  • If sudden nerve pain recurs, requiring re-treatment of the nerve.
  • If your teeth are severely worn or cracked
  • If tooth decay has spread to the root of the tooth

Root Canal Process


Check for cavities and inflammation

A check-up to assess the damage.


Removal of tooth decay

After anesthesia, the cavity or the contaminated nerve in the neural tube is removed.


Neural tube filling after disinfection

After disinfecting the neural tube, we fill the replacement material and block the entrance.


Resin reinforcement and crown treatment

After reinforcing the crown of the tooth with resin, it is covered with a crown.


Precautions After Root Canal

01. You may experience some pain during the root canal process

02. Following root canal treatment, it’s best to avoid chewing food with the treated area

03. Upon completion, you will likely need to proceed with a prosthesis to protect the treated tooth

04. The duration and frequency of treatment can vary based on the condition of the tooth

05. It’s recommended to avoid drinking alcohol and smoking during the root canal treatment period